Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3

Apache modules

Below is a list of all of the modules that come as part of the Apache distribution. See also the list of modules sorted by type and the complete alphabetical list of all Apache directives. For Apache modules that are not part of the Apache distribution, please see http://modules.apache.org

Core Apache features.
Access control based on client hostname or IP address.
mod_actions Apache 1.1 and up
Executing CGI scripts based on media type or request method.
Mapping different parts of the host filesystem in the document tree, and URL redirection.
Sending files which contain their own HTTP headers.
User authentication using text files.
mod_auth_anon Apache 1.1 and up
Anonymous user access to authenticated areas.
mod_auth_db Apache 1.1 and up
User authentication using Berkeley DB files.
User authentication using DBM files.
mod_auth_digest Apache 1.3.8 and up
MD5 authentication (experimental)
Automatic directory listings.
mod_browser Apache 1.2.* only
Set environment variables based on User-Agent strings. Replaced by mod_setenvif in Apache 1.3 and up
mod_cern_meta Apache 1.1 and up
Support for HTTP header metafiles.
Invoking CGI scripts.
mod_cookies up to Apache 1.1.1
Support for Netscape-like cookies. Replaced in Apache 1.2 by mod_usertrack
Variable Definition for Arbitrary Directives
mod_digest Apache 1.1 and up
MD5 authentication
Basic directory handling.
mod_dld Apache 1.2.* and earlier
Start-time linking with the GNU libdld. Replaced in Apache 1.3 by mod_so
mod_dll Apache 1.3b1 to 1.3b5 only
Replaced in 1.3b6 by mod_so
mod_env Apache 1.1 and up
Passing of environments to CGI scripts
mod_example Apache 1.2 and up
Demonstrates Apache API
mod_expires Apache 1.2 and up
Apply Expires: headers to resources
mod_headers Apache 1.2 and up
Add arbitrary HTTP headers to resources
mod_imap Apache 1.1 and up
The imagemap file handler.
Server-parsed documents.
mod_info Apache 1.1 and up
Server configuration information
mod_isapi WIN32 only
Windows ISAPI Extension support
Logging of User Agents.
mod_log_common up to Apache 1.1.1
Standard logging in the Common Logfile Format. Replaced by the mod_log_config module in Apache 1.2 and up
User-configurable logging replacement for mod_log_common.
Logging of document references.
Determining document types using file extensions.
Determining document types using "magic numbers".
mod_mmap_static Apache 1.3 and up
Mapping files into memory for faster serving.
Content negotiation.
mod_proxy Apache 1.1 and up
Caching proxy abilities
mod_rewrite Apache 1.2 and up
Powerful URI-to-filename mapping using regular expressions
mod_setenvif Apache 1.3 and up
Set environment variables based on client information
mod_so Apache 1.3 and up
Experimental support for loading modules (DLLs on Windows) at runtime
mod_speling Apache 1.3 and up
Automatically correct minor typos in URLs
mod_ssl Apache 1.3 with mod_ssl applied
Apache SSL interface to OpenSSL
mod_status Apache 1.1 and up
Server status display
User home directories.
mod_unique_id Apache 1.3 and up
Generate unique request identifier for every request
mod_usertrack Apache 1.2 and up
User tracking using Cookies (replacement for mod_cookies.c)
mod_vhost_alias Apache 1.3.7 and up
Support for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting

Apache HTTP Server Version 1.3

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